Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Great PBS series E2 - Grey to Green

I don't know if many of you are aware of this PBS series E2, but if you have some time to spare this series is amazing and inspirational and I highly recommend it. There have been at least three seasons of this and the series is broken up into sub catagories like design, transport, water etc. One of my favorite episodes from this series is Grey to green which I caught again while flipping through channels.

In This episode Grey to Green the focus is on the waste that construction produces, sustainable architecture and reuse of the construction materials around us. It asks us to think of the structures we build as temporary and to build in the mindset that this structure will be taken down , moved, or reused eventually. One civil engineer on a particular project takes on this challenge with the construction of his new home.

You can watch PBS's video podcast about the episode below Or watch the entire episode here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Faile prints!!

These are from the "Lost in Glimmering Shadows" show the just had in London. Again, why do I not have an endless supply of cash and plane tickets? This show looked sick!! Their new prints are up in their shop. A little out of my budget, well, lets be honest-A LOT. I will just have to put them on my permanent wish list which also includes an Arne Jacobsen Egg Chair. But I love them so.... You can buy them right here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gorgeous new Blog design finished!!

Hello all! before I forget to put this up. I finished last week another blog design. It for a blog called Nina on Everything, by the most excellent Nina walker. This blog is great!, so check it out and add it to your blog list-NOW.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This is effing Genius! Can you make one in Black or Olive drab please?

Why you ask would I praise this??

Well.. because I camp. and sometimes its in the freaking middle of nowhere, where you have to canoe to a clearing. This would eliminate, the need to shlep a tent anywhere, even a small one person tent that only weighs a few pounds or so, it is still precious real estate on you back or in your pile of gear.< br> I could really use something like this on my trip coming up, and hope someone picks this up to manufacture.

This comes from Core 77 and the portfolio of Justin Gargasz

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Now, when I say Log Cabin, this is of course what I am thinking of.

I want to one day retire to the mountains and have a cabin in the woods off of the gird if possible. I dont know if I can commit to that one BUT if any of this dreaming ever comes to fruition then this would be they type if cabin I am seeing.
architect: Richard Neutra.
via SpaceInvading Click to see more photos.